
Young people living in rural areas are in trouble. According to a plethora of recent data[1], suicides among rural youth are more than twice the rate of teens living in urban settings and this gap is widening. Anxiety and depression among adolescents were at dangerous levels before the pandemic.[2] In addition, death by gunshot has surpassed vehicle crashes to become the number one killer of American youth in recorded history.[3]

What we do for our youth matters!


Our mission is to place value on teens.

wvt stage side from above facing north

The Target Audience

Our teen center is for those between the ages of 13-19 years old.

Our Purpose

To value teens

Our purpose is to communicate to teens that they are important and valuable to their community, the Church, adults, and all of society.

Since the creation of the teen center back in 1993, many wonderful relationships have begun which to this day remain strong. We count among our friends those teens who were among the first to enjoy the teen center. Now, their children are teens who hang out at the teen center.

They have touched our lives forever and we have touched theirs. This is a wonderful cycle that will continue even after volunteers and board members leave and new ones take their place.

Relationships Matter

The great dilemma of any youth generation is the result of lacking or destructive relationships. Peer groups offer relationships, but these are often not healthy since they are based upon immature people's values. Gangs offer security and a substitute family but offer no hope, unconditional love, or forgiveness. It takes a mature caring adult to offer a genuine and valuable relationship to a teen.

We have chosen a neutral ground within the community to be available for teenagers. Many leaders can offer information to a young person in the areas of guidance, self-control, self-esteem, sexuality, and spirituality, but these pressing issues facing teens will more aptly be accepted by the teen if mutual trust and acceptance have been earned and established.

The Need

This generation can be trusted and they need to be shown that they are intrinsically valuable to God, the Church, and their community.

There exists in Rock County, Wisconsin an urgent need to declare, explain and prove the love of God and of the Community to a generation of young people. They need caring adult intervention in their immediate situation. These groups: Home, Church, and Community should love, strengthen and protect young people. We stand in the gap between the youth and the local church, presenting a dynamic and positive alternative to this anxious generation—a Non-Toxic Alternative!

Our mission is defined as "That Which is Valued by God." The purpose of the organization is addressed in the Purpose Statement, while the means to achieve the mission are outlined in the Strategy section. There are four areas encompassed in this Mission of Value:

  1. We value young people and believe it is our privilege and responsibility to support and mentor our teens as they chart their life's course. Teen years can be the most difficult and exciting. As each young person navigates this season of life, we stand with them.

The Values that Frame Our Mission:

Value is Intrinsic

Value is Communicated through Relationships

Value is Communicated through Tailor-Made Programs

Value is Communicated through a Quality Facility

The activities provided here are numerous, reflecting our commitment to creating a supportive and engaging environment for teens.

  1. [1] Caldwell, Emily. “Ohio State University study for Science Daily.” https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/03/150309123954.htm (accessed 4/18/22), See also, Time Magazine: https://time.com/3737574/suicide-urban-rural/ (accessed 3/20/22), New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/03/health/small-towns-face-rising-suicide-rates.html (accessed 3/20/22)
  2. [2] Center for Disease Control. “Annual Report Preliminary Wisconsin 2019 YRBS Results (High School Version) https://dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/sspw/pdf/YRBS_2019_Summary_Report_DPI_Web_Version.pdf (accessed 4/20/2022).
  3. [3] Aria Bendix, https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/guns-leading-cause-death-children-teens-rcna25443?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma&s=07&fbclid=IwAR3SIz09Rz4qHn8_OraWI5NnWKXLdFtWsuZX5xcVtYuZJ7rRC3QA4Pre4v8 (accessed 4/22/22).